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 Our Services_ 

Missing Persons Investigation


What are Missing Persons Investigations?
Missing persons investigations are simply the best way to find out the truth about anyone you cannot find.

Why hire HoneyBee Private investigators to find missing persons?
You can launch a missing persons investigation to find:

    • Long lost loved ones or family members who have voluntarily disappeared or run away.
    • Fugitives you need to find.
    • Missing persons who have been gone a long time and are part of a cold case.
    • Runaways and minors who have been kidnapped.

Basically, if you are worried about someone's whereabouts and wish to locate someone who is not easy to find, a qualified missing persons investigator will be able to use advanced techniques to help find the person you are looking for.


Cold Case Homicides


Across the country there are hundreds of thousands of unsolved crimes and cold cases. HoneyBee Detective Agency have proven to be very valuable in assisting clients in helping to solve murder, kidnapping, rape, stalker, and felony crime cases. They can shed new light or bring a different perspective with the hopes of bringing these cases back out into the open. Ultimately, a private investigator can assist clients in these cases by helping them fill in the details surrounding a case.

HoneyBee Detective Agency can devote a great deal of quality time to reinvestigate and closely scrutinize all aspects of a given case. Investigators are often hired to widen theories, identify new leads in the case, interview or reinterview witnesses, and interface with law enforcement. We can also take an unsolved crime or a cold case file and scour it with fresh eyes and a new perspective. With new insight they can then begin to follow the evidence and across typical jurisdiction limits, setting aside any preconceived notions and allowing the evidence to tell the story.

Private investigators can assist by revisiting officer narratives and reports and reinterviewing witnesses, family members, and police officers to compare what each person has to say. Tips and leads are sometimes ignored during an initial investigation or can become overlooked or dismissed as unimportant. The odds of resolution decrease each day that passes and the longer the investigation goes on. Uncovering new leads and reviewing the existing work conducted by law enforcement often offers fresh leads on a cold case.
Our investigative service firm can help uncover new leads, review existing work by local authorities, and develop new theories in an effort to uncover the truth.

More Services:
• Telephone Fraud
• Infidelity Cases
• Family Court - Child Custody Cases
• Insurance Fraud Cases
• Divorce Cases
• Thorough background checks with information that you can’t get from those persons that advertise online and more with professional investigative services

Tel: 901-268-7319

4466 Elvis Presley Ste 139 • Memphis, TN 38116

    © 2018 HoneyBee Detective Agency |  Private Investigators

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